On CHROMAKOPIA, we’re given a sneak peek into Tyler’s diary for just over an hour and here, we uncover the pressures of fame that he deals with, failed relationships, and a look into crippling self-doubt.

Since Flower Boy in 2017, each new release from Tyler has felt like another layer peeled back, bringing us closer to the core of his desires, visions, and vulnerabilities. With that being said, what really stands out through this experience is Tyler's incredible songwriting, and “Hey Jane” serves as a marvelous example as Tyler lays down some of his BEST verses in a matter of minutes. Here he not only takes us through the story of getting someone pregnant but, he further showcases his lyrical brilliance by diving into both perspectives in the matter. The beat is minimal and characterized by woozy synths and bright percs, making for the perfect sonic canvas for him to deliver an engrossing story.

This is not only his most personal album to date, but it’s also an experience that many in his age range will be able to relate to. 

posted by Lu
November 2024