Today we mark the release of Tycho's official sixth studio album, Infinite Health. Yet another brilliant release from the US producer, multi-instrumentalist, and designer Scott Hansen.
The album is "about hope for the future and a requiem for the past" and is a solid proof ofTycho's well-deserved prime spot at the helm of experimental and mindful electronic music. After all, it is not an easy task to continue to innovate and create after 2 decades in music and 5 studio albums behind your back.
He elaborates, "I kept thinking back to the high-water mark scene in Fear and Loathing, the author sitting at a typewriter looking out a window onto his past, trying to find meaning in the chaos. Infinite Health is about creating a space for healing and reflection, a mantra for spiritual, emotional, and physical healing. At the end of the day, all we really have is our health – both physical and mental – and we wish infinite health to our family and friends. So in those ways, infinite health is a salutation and an imperative."
Like any Tycho release, it has an impeccable design that feasts the eye.

I would like to wait a bit more before doing full-on coverage on the record, but for today's spotlight, I chose the track that made the strongest impression in me during my first listen to the album. "DX Odyssey" feels like a return to Tycho's roots, inwrought with experimentation towards the world of synthwave. It somehow gave me a strong Com Truise vibe, which is an instant win in my book.
You can order Infinite Health on vinyl on Tycho's Bandcamp page.