I've been meaning to cover Tom Doolie's latest groove "Santa Anna" ever since it made it on our neo-soul guitar playlist a few weeks ago.

The beat, recorded at this year's PLYGRND retreat, is a collaboration with tons of artists I love - Gold Kimono, Molly McPhaul (who I believe is on the artwork), Mia Garcia (of OHMA), Lazlow, Ray Goren, and... I probably am missing someone.

This "jam session feel wrapped into a beautiful arrangement" is equal parts chill, groove, and slow-motion exotica. Nothing beats (no pun intended) a good guitar lick wrapped around some perky percussions.

If their retreat had a similar vibe to what we had with the Bulgarian producers, I know they had a great time, and this track is evidence of that.

posted by Ivo
December 2022