We all took a break from writing over Christmas, but that doesn't mean the team wasn't on the lookout for the most crucial releases over the period of yearly chill.

On the eve of the 25th, British R&B collective/supergroup SAULT graced us with a miracle - their 11th studio record Acts of Faith and I couldn't think of a better present for fans worldwide. I wouldn't dismiss the theory that the (thematic) title is tightly connected to its release date.

SAULT has never formally disclosed its official lineup, but the group is widely believed to revolve around producer Inflo and singer Cleo Sol (who are also married). A quick glance through the credits on the album and we'll instantly spot the songwriter credits for both of them, namely Dean Josiah Cover and Cleopatra Nikolic alongside other collaborators.

Initially, the 9-track album was made available as a free-for-download single .wav file which should hint you that it is meant to be experienced sequentially for utmost pleasure. I chose to spotlight Acts of Faith's opener "I Look for You" because I instantly fell in love with its divine energy and smooth groove - a perfect red carper for what's ahead of us sonically.

posted by Ivo
January 2025