Rynn's music is like warm summer rain. Warm, soothing and refreshing. Excited to share with you her new single "When You Lock Eyes" - the second single leading up to her upcoming EP, Headspace. Such a wonderful sound to let your mind wander through everything that's going on below the surface.

The US singer/songwriter shares...

Throughout my life I’ve always noticed that moment when you’re in the car, turn your head and happen to lock eyes with someone in the car that’s driving beside you. A brief, yet kind of awkward moment/ connection is shared with someone before one of you breaks the stare and drives away, off into the distance. There was a relationship situation I was going though that reminded me of, and felt like that. A friendship that started to leave the “friend zone” for brief moment, and then went back to normal just as fast as that began, almost as if it never happened. I stepped back kind of confused thinking, “everything’s fine, but also, umm- what was all that?” 

posted by Ivo
August 2020