If you're a fan of alt-folk, indie-folk, or just folk singing folk, then Riley Pearce is the guy for you.

I wish I could say that I discovered Riley by some purposeful, deliberate and cultured method - but I can't. I was actually listening to an artist similar to him in many ways (Dustin Tebbutt in case you're wondering) when the streaming site crow-barred Riley into my stream (score one for AI then).

Riley's songwriting and voice immediately threw me off-guard and I purchased it fairly early on into it's first play. Alt-folk is tricky, it's becoming more commonplace to stick a deep base-tone and voice distorter to any-old lyrics and struggling for a place to pigeon-hole it, stick an alt-folk tag to it. Riley Pearce this is not.

Immediately you can tell that he has the gift to silence a room with minimal effort or noise, with a typically old-fashioned, genuine folk voice that comes complete with an insightful and understated writing technique.

Riley's forthcoming EP Outside the Lines (which "Brave" is taken from) was successfully funded through crowdfunding platform Pozible. And every one of it's 86 "supporters" deserves a massive pat on the back for not just supporting an independent artist of Riley's talent but for supporting an independent artist in general.

"Brave" is available to purchase now, so go on, invest and support a genuine talent

[tweet https://twitter.com/Riley_Pearce/status/640472952434204672?lang=en-gb ]

posted by Staff
September 2015