PawPaw Rod is known for offering a vibe that is incredibly eclectic yet vintage, and on his latest release "Shadow" we're acquainted with more of this refreshing sound.

The U.S.-based artist has been on a stellar release streak this year, and on "Shadow" he veers towards funk as his primary source of sonic inspiration. Beefy drums, solid bass lines, and groovy guitar licks flesh out the instrumental portion of the track while his soulful vocals shine through the foreground. This definitely reminds us of the funk and soul of yesteryears, and is adorned with a modern touch thanks to the bright synths and references in the lyrics.

"Shadow is about wanting to know more about yourself. Your shadow is like your inner child, and part of getting older is acknowledging that part of you and allowing it to exist within you. You can’t be afraid of your own shadow - you have to embrace it wholeheartedly,” says PawPaw Rod on the inspiration behind the new single.

posted by Lu
last month