UK producer MORE // NIGHT is definitely one of those people living and breathing for that next beat. I discovered his music earlier this year and immediately fell in love with the future-inspired blend of old school hip hop, soul, trap and what not.
Today's interview explores the world of Adam Robets - the person behind MORE // NIGHT and the soundtrack of that journey is a mini mix crafted by the producer. Enjoy!

Hey, Adam! Pleasure to have you as a guest on our mini mix series. Could you tell us something about yourself?
Hey, well I'm a 19 year old lad from Shrewsbury in the UK... which is basically in the middle of no where, haha.
Let's start with the mini mix - it's pretty dope. How would you describe it in a sentence and what was the inspiration behind it? The grime vibe hits you from the very few seconds. Awesome!
One way of summing it up is that its exactly what my taste is. I've always had something for grime, UK funky and generally just music which has a nostalgic feel!
Where is the name MORE // Night comes from (and why the //)?
Ahh, the name MORE//NIGHT is exactly like those old school Xbox names. i just picked it a year or so back, thinking it was wicked. but then started to hate it by each day, haha. Right now though, I'm starting to like it as my ID though.
What's one random thing about you which probably not many knows?
Alongside music, i enjoy carpentry! its my job right now and its fun travelling around the country to various jobs etc.
How did you get into the whole producing thing? Do you have any musical upbringing prior picking any software and crafting those beats?
The producing started from 13, it was nothing short of messing around to begin with. Like i got an iPod and put a few music making apps on there, and Wouldn't put it down for hours each day. there was one app called Fingerbeat which was a very simple drum machine app. it was so limited! but i'd never felt that kind of creative freedom of being able to make music before, so that's probably why I would spend hours on it. this progressed to today where I'm now using Ableton. When it comes to musical upbringing, no one in my family has even plucked a guitar string before. but at the same time we all love music. the family home is always loud with different vibes, so i was brought up on a ton of different sounds.
My first encounter with your music was "Paradigm". The cowbells and sound samples are absolutely spot-on. However, browsing your SoundCloud, I couldn't describe you with just one genre. What's the sound you're going for or it's a blend of different ones?
I really don't know why this happens to be honest, haha. like I'll finish a track and be like "Oh this sounds like garage" and then a day later i'll make something else and be like "ahh shit this is drum and bass for sure". I guess its just cause I love to listen to a lot of genres, so inspiration comes from each one
How does your average day look like. Is music a full time thing right now?
Right now its waking up at 7am fresh off to work, followed by 5pm back home. From there I'll sit until 2am on Ableton just messing around. but I do i have a social life on weekends!
Who are the producers you're looking up to or inspire you?
There's a ton. Heavyweights to name a few though would be Plastician, glacci, carmack, geotheory and Benga
What's on your playlist right now? Any artists we should be checking out?
I love hip hop and always love a good lyricist! An artist I've known for a while now called Mckinley Dixon is a wicked rapper. The main thing that stands out is his beat selection and his flow, cause every time he ever sends me stuff, I'm always hyped to listen.
Since NYE is just around the corner - what are your plans for 2017?
I just really wanna push it to a level where I'm more integrated into the UK scene, so be that shows, radio and features across platforms locally. Right now I appreciate the love from London and surrounding areas, but I've never had this from other places like Birmingham etc.
On top of this I do want to travel with music a lot more, so even planning a tour with Fête alongside Mo Vibez and Explore in Europe!
Adam, thanks for the interview and the mini mix! Any last words of wisdom?
Not off the top of my head! thanks for having me!
Shoutout to Bob from Blvnt for helping me set this up! If you enjoyed the mini mix, grab a free download here.