Not sure how many of you are familiar with the Hang - quite expensive, peculiar musical instrument, invented in the beginning of the last decade (on the picture below). Basically, it looks like a steel drum in the shape of a UFO and is usually positioned on the lap of the player. Like many other percussion instruments, the hang is played by tapping your hands/fingers around the surface. The sounds are very difficult to explain, but if you listen to the song I'm about to share with you, I reckon you will get the picture.
"A Long Way" is a beautiful collaboration between three extremely talented musicians I highly respect. The track revolves heavily around the drumming skills of the Austrian hang player Manu Delgado and will be part of his upcoming album Bigger Than Home. In his musical journey, Delgado is accompanied by the British soul singer Andreya Triana and the notorious multi-instrumentalist, producer and visual artist j.viewz. If you enjoy the music of Bonobo or downtempo in general, this track will definitely end up in your music collection!