Singer KeepVibesNear pushes longing to the edge on his latest single, "So High". The way he sings it—low, weighted, somewhere between confessing and collapsing—let's you know that it’s not about sounding polished and pretty. 

He lays it all out, line after line circling the same pull—need, addiction, obsession. "I'm addicted, I never need a reason/ Need another hit, I need another hit" he spills out quietly. Not about the high itself but what’s underneath it. His voice stays steady—warm, but on the edge of breaking—pushing through on whatever energy remains before it flickers out.

Subculture builds the track around that weight, stacking airy pads and samples against a tight drum pocket, the beat hitting like flicks to the chest, bass pressing from underneath. Everything glides along slow and steady, giving KVN the space to let his voice wrap around the track like a slow-tied knot.

The video lightens the song's intensity. We see KeepVibesNear and his girl moving through the warm-toned spaces of their apartment. They share small familiar moments: enjoying some vinyl-spun sounds, blunt smoke curling between them on the balcony, meals being shared. Their routine looks light and cozy, but the way KVN sings it, you know there's something heavier beneath the surface.

posted by Marvin
5 h ago