posted by Ivo
3 weeks ago

There's nothing more rewarding than finding insanely talented artists early in their careers and witnessing their growth over time. That's the instant feeling I got when an artist I absolutely adore and respect, Melanie Faye (who was the cover of our neo-soul guitar playlist earlier this year), mentioned an artist called Rome Wilson.

The Nashville-born, New York-based singer/songwriter and his angelic voice blew my mind. The first time I heard his nostalgic blend of r&b and acoustic music I instantly felt like it was 2013 when I discovered Frank Ocean's Channel Orange. I feel there's a bright future ahead for Rome who besides an extremely talented seems like very down-to-earth and genuine person.

Find Cluttered Noises on Spotify / Apple Music / Deezer / Amazon Music / TIDAL

Today we celebrate his new EP Cluttered Noises, 3 tracks that will instantly elevate your soul. I had the pleasure and honour of catching up with Rome to further understand his artistry and journey so far.

Hey Rome, pleasure to have you here and congrats on the release. How would you describe yourself in 3 words to someone who just met you?

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I’d describe myself as deep, elegant, and creative.

You’re born and raised in Nashville, but currently living in New York - how long have you been there and how did that move impact your music?

I’ve been in New York for a little over 4 years. The move was really tough for me at first, as it took some time to adjust to the tempo of a new city and a different lifestyle. Musically, I had to take on new responsibilities that I never faced before, which really helped shape and enhance my sound. In Nashville, I could just walk into a room, go up to a mic, record a track, and wait for a finished result. In New York, it was more complicated than that because I didn’t have the resources to be just a “recording artist.”

I built my home studio from scratch, taught myself how to produce, mix, and master my own songs. It was really hard at first, and I felt very alone, but being without a producer or engineer in a new city really gave me the creative freedom that got me to where I am today. 

I’ve had the pleasure of being in New York and experienced the so-much-going-on-at-all-times energy of the city. Is that vibrant, intense energy somehow related to the title of your EP Cluttered Noises?

I actually never thought about it that way, but I think it’s funny how there’s this ironic double entendre that makes sense. I named the project Cluttered Noises because the music is an expression of all the fast-moving parts in my mind. I often feel like I hear the most noise when I’m alone, sitting in silence, thinking. My mind can move so fast that I get lost in my thoughts and stuck in my head. I have no control over my intrusive thoughts. It can be very haunting at times. This project is about embracing them and turning them into something beautiful/tangible. 

rome wilson artist interview

Do you have a place in New York where you find peace and quiet?

I know that being in a vibrant city that “never sleeps” is something that I signed up for. Right now, I feel like the only place that I really feel like I can have peace and quiet is in my bedroom. I got everything I need in there.

You also work in fashion. How different are the music and fashion industries?

There’s a lot of similarities between the two. I think both industries feed off of each other in a really healthy way. They enhance each other. Music and fashion are both a reflection of the times. Both industries embrace individuality. Both industries also have this really rebellious mentality that sets the tone and paints a clear picture of the direction the world is heading in.  

Who inspires you in r&b music these days?

Lately, I feel I tend to lean more on the alternative side. I’ve felt inspired by 112, and how they are very complex with their harmonies. 

What is the most important skillset (non-music related) any up-and-coming artist should focus on?

I think all up-and-coming artists should focus on finding their own aesthetic that’s unique, genuine, and a real representation of who they really are. That will really help with networking, and forming genuine connections with people in the industry

I think a lot of people spend a lot of time and energy trying to be someone else. This might seem to work in the beginning, but it can easily lead to feeling miserable and misunderstood. It’s important to know who you are, find your interests, and embrace them as much as you can. In today’s world, I believe that being your truest, most authentic self is a real skill that a lot of people don’t have. If you have it, then you’re sure to stand out.

Be vulnerable with yourself.

You’ve worked with the talented Melanie Faye - what was your writing process like?

Melanie Faye is the definition of a musical prodigy. She’s one of my biggest inspirations. I model my work ethic after hers, and I think her story and talent are really inspiring. The creativity that she brings to any table blows me away. Any time I work with her, she raises the standards I have for myself. I can not be sure about something that I send her way, and she’ll add to it and make it sound perfect. We worked on “Angel” together, I laid down the skeleton alongside Jake Ruzow. Melanie’s guitar really felt like the missing piece. It almost feels like the song would be in a completely different genre without her on it. 

What’s the last book that you’ve read whichleft a mark on you?

I’m really into self-help books. The last book I finished was “How to Win Friends and Influence People.” I always thought the title sounded a little manipulative, but, after reading it, I think it taught me a lot about how to treat myself, and treat others. It’s kind of like a blueprint on how to get further in life through kindness, empathy, and accountability, which I think is pretty cool. My favorite book is “Outliers” though. It’s all about what made the “greats” great. The book I’m reading now is “All You Need To Know About The Music Industry.” The name speaks for itself. 

rome wilson artist interview cluttered noises

Put us on some new music - who do you listen to these days?

Right now, I find myself listening to a lot of 112, Deftones, Loathe, Michael Jackson, Malxolm Brixkhouse, Radiohead, Fleshwater, and Scarlet House. These are all artists/bands I tend to have on repeat. 

What should people expect next from you?

I’ll be performing at the Black and Loud Fest in Seattle, Washington alongside Melanie Faye on September 14th. New music is already in the works and coming very soon! 

If you could enter the studio with any musician (dead or alive) - who would that be and why?

Definitely Thom Yorke from Radiohead. The whole band, really. They’re awesome storytellers. Thom’s voice is incredible. All that creativity in the room would create something extremely unique and genre-bending.

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