Human Movement is a Lebanese-Australian electronic producer who we first discovered back in 2020 thanks to his smashing euphoria "Waiting". It's time to resurrect Edward's music on our feed because his latest release with Gallery Records is nothing short of transcendent.

"Lost Wiv U" with Sydney-based DJ/producer Ruby May Moon lives at the cross-section of UK garage, 90s house music, and IDM. Basically, my favorite destination. I love the punchy drums, the bounce vocals, and that flute (?!) sample they use on 00:48.

This energetic delight comes with a video snippet on which Human Movement elaborates, "The video is excerpts from the opening night of my family's Lebanese Restaraunt almazett which opened back in 1978 and family Christmas at my uncle and aunties. This footage was dug up from my cousin on a couple of old film cameras he came across and it was just too good to not use. Enjoy some of my fond memories."

Instant add to our alternative electronic dancefloor playlist.

posted by Ivo
May 2024