Indie rock is originated in Britain in the 1970s and at the time it was powered by up-and-coming artists from independent labels, similarly to its counterpart - indie pop. There were undeniable similarities between the two genres, especially in the earlier days; yet, during the 1990s indie rock carved its own path more prominently under the influence of the grunge and punk bloom in the UK and the US. By the beginning of the 21st century, brands such as The Strokes and The White Stripes brought the spotlight back to the mainstream guitar rock sound. Today, think indie rock artists like Alt-J, Hozier, Portugal. The Man, Foster The People.
Indie Rock
Indie rock is originated in Britain in the 1970s and at the time it was powered by up-and-coming artists from independent labels, similarly to its counterpart - indie pop. There were undeniable similarities between the two genres, especially in the earlier days; yet, during the 1990s indie rock carved its own path more prominently under the influence of the grunge and punk bloom in the UK and the US. By the beginning of the 21st century, brands such as The Strokes and The White Stripes brought the spotlight back to the mainstream guitar rock sound. Today, think indie rock artists like Alt-J, Hozier, Portugal. The Man, Foster The People.