Back with another track, the Vancouver-based four piece FRANKIIE have upped their game.
Their first release from their new album, "Glory Me", talks about mortality and 'What will I be when I die?'" Lead vocalist Fran Carbonneau continues saying "It's just something that speaks about my thoughts on death. I think about it a lot, how close in proximity we are to death but a lot of the time we feel so invincible. It's those existential things -- What is death? What is it going to feel like when I die? Does it happen peacefully? I can't escape the thought, sometimes, about how close death is at any time, but that also reminds you of how much you love people and how life is so precious."
Looking forward to hearing the rest of their debut full-length album that should be released this year. You can download or stream their album here. Love these girls x