One of my current favorite beats that I’ve had on repeat is “Need To Talk”, a single by Creams, and remixed by Kordz. Creams, a moniker for Natia Chichinadze, grew up in Tbilisi, Georgia, and writes and produces her own music. 

Living in a post-soviet world and navigating the constantly changing structures in history and government as a youth, Creams has shared how she and her friends need to have multiple jobs to make a living, and on top of all this finds time to create her own music and express herself artistically in this environment.

“Need To Talk” is an upbeat and catchy melody with undercurrents of melancholia in its lyricism, confrontational and verging on desperation in a moment of clarity within solitude. Speaking in one of her 4 spoken languages, she paints unique and creative imagery in her lyrics “‘You’re licking off the pleasures of the life, I’m walking on the edge of a knife’”. Her breathy, effortless vocals coincide beautifully with the lightweight melodies and dark-pop edge. 

posted by Sydney
last month