Today we'll float in the waters of classic soul music, channeled through the prism of UK-based singer/songwriter and classically trained jazz musician CHERISE. Her new single "Calling" comes ahead of the release of her debut album scheduled for release on July 7th.

"Calling" feels like a trip back home. The song kicks off with a subtle guitar lick and it doesn't take long before CHERISE' impressive vocals take over the ambiance. There's this timeless vibe surrounding the whole composition and I think it beautifully reflects the lyrics which are reminiscent of CHERISE's upbringing and distant memories. She embraces the concept of home from two perspectives. Firstly, there is the tangible aspect represented by a family that spans across Jamaica and England, creating a sense of place and belonging. Secondly, there is the internal notion of home, residing within oneself. CHERISE's family's support in allowing her to pursue her musical aspirations becomes the driving force behind her journey, empowering her to explore her true passion.

When it comes to the track, CHERISE elaborates, “My mum and the rest of the family had the sense that being creative was something I was meant to do,” she says happily. “It wasn’t until I became a musician that I realised how uncommon that is, especially for families that moved to this country and would live with the fear that their child wouldn’t find their grounding in the arts.

I like how singable the “Can you hear it / call my name? / Hear it calling me home” part is. I feel it is also inspired by gospel music and the feeling of getting together with family on the weekend. It took less than a minute before I was simply mind-blown by the complex and multi-level work of CHERISE. A true gem of the UK contemporary scene.

The talented singer, who also open for Michael Kiwanuka, is yet to share the best of her with us. Certainly one of the most exciting names on the UK soul and jazz scene right now and I'm absolutely excited to listen to her debut work. Surely will be as captivating as "Calling" is.

posted by Ivo
June 2023