Mila Robert is a Bulgarian singer, actress and painter. She began singing and playing the guitar at the age of 13, and she also plays on ukulele and kazoo. A graduate from Sofia’s National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts, over the past few years Mila managed to win over thousands of fans with her specific voice and creative, often colorful vision. She released her debut LP Egotrip in 2020 which knocked out more than a million streams.
Mila started busking on the streets of Sofia at the age of 15 and later on start performing on stages wherever she could find. Around the same time she auditioned for X Factor and received great feedback, but purposely left the show, because she had different views on music and performing. Not shying away from a live performance, her goal is to have a gig at least once a month and this year is planning to tour Italy, Germany, and Switzerland as part of her upcoming Gap Summer EP released via Stereofox Records.