“After Eight” is the quintessential jazzhop track. The grooves of the rhythm section, soul of the keys and style of the lead guitar all blends together to display a perfect example of what the genre has to offer. However long you've been searching for the perfect laid-back track, you needn't search any further.

The Aussie based producer and instrumentalist released his fourth EP Date Night under Den Haku Records in March of this year. The EP is a four-track jazzhop and funk inspired sound that appears cohesive and catchier with every listen. Stylish yet sensual, "Date Night" is perfect for what it's designed for - date night!

Of course, this isn't the only means to listen. Picture this: you're on a beach, somewhere sunny; the waves are crashing, and the ice in your drink is slowly melting. "After Eight" is playing in your ears and you realise that you're feeling, quite simply, mere peace.

Recognisable in its lead guitar melody from the very beginning of the song, to the accompanied melody followed through on keys further into the track, "After Eight" is uniquely distinguishable and therefore a certified beat head-bopper.

posted by Staff
April 2022