We've been following up closely Allysha Joy's lush journey toward her highly anticipated upcoming record The Making of Silk, which is just around the corner. The official release date is September 13th, but today we get one final sneak-peak into what's ahead of us thanks to her new single "dropping keys".

The singer, producer, poet, and lead vocalist for the 30/70 Collective is one of the most exciting names on the contemporary soul and r&b scene. Hailing from Naam, Melbourne, Allysha's voice is the type you could pick in a crowd of thousands of people.

This new single was inspired by the Hafiz poem of the same name (dropping keys). It captures the notion that once we discover the keys to free ourselves from the cages society has constructed around us (or even the ones we've created for ourselves), we then hand that key to the next person.

Allysha elaborates,  "It's about the inherent love and wisdom of sharing whatever tools or knowledge we have gained on our journey with others, in order for all people to hold the key to access their own freedom.”

I love the scent of classic soul captured in the essence of the track and the beautiful jazz-inspired drumming - a perfect stage for her magnificent abilities.

If you're hungry for more and can't wait until September 13th, don't miss out on the previous singles - "david" and "raise up".

posted by Ivo
4 weeks ago