This year started off with a rocky start and my time was severely slashed to the point I couldn't cover music that should by all means have been covered.
One of those prominent releases is afternoon bike ride's 2023 record Glossover released in February via Friends Of Friends. The Canadian lofi / folk trio came on my radar because of their Sleepy Fish collaboration "Grid Search" (2021) and have been a go-to place when in search of heart-warming music for those nostalgic summer days.
The band consists of Lia (vocals, guitar, programming), David (vocals, guitar, drums, programming), and Éloi (vocals, keys, drums, programming) and it won't take you long before you realize that everything they do is stemming from the depths of their hearts.
For today's feature, I picked "Summertime" as I believe it is the perfect representation of the band's sound - comfy and authentic. I love the scent of psychedelia engraved in the guitars of the track, something that further enhances Lia's dreamy vocals throughout the song.
I highly recommend exploring the album in-depth and while I used the terms lofi and folk, the record is rather genreless and it rather encompasses a mood, than a genre label. "Life is imperfect. We’re imperfect and that’s something beautiful to keep in mind.”, afternoon bike ride's lead singer elaborates.
If you enjoy Glossover, you can also grab merch or vinyl via FoF's Bandcamp page.